Southampton City Council
An innovative DEFRA-funded project to monitor particulate matter emissions from domestic woodburning, and to campaign to inform residents about the impact of woodburning on their health and the health of the community.
Southampton City Council commissioned EarthSense to provide air quality services; as part of its innovative DEFRA-funded project to monitor particulate matter emissions from domestic woodburning, and to campaign to inform residents about the impact of woodburning on their health and the health of the community.
Using EarthSense’s air quality services, 18 EarthSense Zephyr® air quality monitors, an air quality data model of Southampton City and surrounding areas, and the web application MyAir® including a portal of real-time air quality data available to the public. The project won the Best Air Quality Strategy (Public Sector) in the Westminster Commissions for Road Air Quality Awards.
Key Air Quality Impact
estimated tonnes of PM2.5 saved a year as a result of this campaign
Project Images