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EarthSense Map the First NO2 Concentrations in the UK from Sentinel-5P Satellite

Updated: Jul 24, 2019

It’s been a very exciting week here at EarthSense. Using new data from Sentinel-5P Satellite, we have mapped the first NO2 air pollution concentrations for the UK!

Sentinel-5 Precursor

Developed by ESA (European Space Agency), Sentinel-5P is the first Copernicus mission dedicated to monitoring the Earth’s atmosphere. The latest generation in air quality sensing satellites, Sentinel-5P provides higher resolution information than ever before.

Sentinel-5P produces maps for key pollutant Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) across the world at a 7km resolution. This provides approximately 10 times more information than previous satellites, allowing us to better understand key pollution sources and population exposures.

UK NO2 levels for week commencing Monday 25th June 2018

The map shows concentrations of NO2 as mapped by Sentinel-5P, with areas in white where cloud has obscured the scene.

Satellite data gif showing NO2 concentrations over a one week period from Sentinel-5P

Higher concentrations are indicated in orange and red, and are clearly correlated with the major conurbations of London, Birmingham and Liverpool/Manchester.

This measurement independently reinforces the substantial pollution build-up over our major cities, and the requirement for significant schemes to reduce emissions.

Data for the Future

As satellites improve our ability to monitor global, continental and national pollution exposures, we can provide more accurate snap-shots and forecasts of potentially harmful concentrations.

In turn, this allows better planning and decision making throughout our society, through central government, local authorities, industry, and the general public.

Because satellites provide a completely independent view of air pollution, they offer an opportunity to verify our best understandings of primary sources of emissions.

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