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EarthSense Maps Gives Home-buyers Insight into Air Pollution Levels

Home-buyers can for the first time access detailed information on a property’s exposure to air pollution.

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A partnership between EarthSense, the air quality measuring specialist, and environmental risk analyst Future Climate Info (FCI) will see air quality data included in environmental reports requested by conveyancers and solicitors during the property buying process.

Derived from EarthSense’s nationwide map of air pollution, MappAir, FCI reports will now include ratings for individual properties ranging from a ‘generally clean environment’ to ‘polluted

environments with major implications for human health’.

“We believe all buyers have the right to access as much information as possible about their chosen home or property investment. Air quality affects where we live as well as where we work so it’s now becoming more important for buyers and investors,” commented Geoff Offen, Managing Director of Future Climate Info. “We are therefore delighted to have struck up a first-of-its kind partnership with EarthSense to be able to offer the best, high resolution, air quality data available.”    

“FCI really understands how important it is to inform and raise homeowner awareness about the long-term health impacts of air pollution and how this may influence purchase and investment decisions,” added Tom Hall, Managing Director of EarthSense. “For families with children or sensitivity to air pollution this decision can be critical so it is crucial to have as much information as possible.”

FCI environmental reports, included in search packs provided by solicitors and conveyancers, will now give a clear index rating from 0 (a generally clean environment with very low chance of Nitrogen Dioxide – NO2 - levels exceeding annual legal limits) to 6 (polluted environments with major implications for human health). Derived from EarthSense’s MappAir air quality data, a rating of 3 or above means an area is likely to see NO2 levels exceed annual legal limits, worsening at peak traffic times and in stagnant weather conditions. Studies point towards minor long-term health conditions for people spending long periods in these areas.

EarthSense is a pioneer in new technology and techniques for measuring, monitoring and modelling air pollution. The newly updated MappAir, which now includes NO2 and particulate matter (small atmospheric particles that can get into the lungs causing serious health problems), suggests 1 per cent of properties in England and Wales fall into this category, while FCIs analysis suggests that 3 per cent of property transactions in 2017 took place in these areas. 

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