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'EarthSensers' Enjoy Pedal-Power & Helping the Environment on Clean Air Day 2018

Updated: Jul 24, 2019

We made the most of national Clean Air Day this year by using every avenue possible to reduce air pollution and spread awareness about air quality.

EarthSense team holding pledge cards for clean air day
EarthSense team with their Clean Air Day pledges

Active Travel​​

One example of a pledge included using active travel options to commute to work instead of the car. Some of the team walked while majority cycled in, dropping off children to school by bike en-route.

Sam and Sam cycling in on Clean Air Day
Sam Grocock & Sam Brocksopp Cycle in for Clean Air Day 2018

The glorious sunshine was an added incentive to leaving the car behind but where this was not possible, employees made sure to use the electric mode on their hybrid cars.

Everyone observed a strict no-idling policy when the car was not in use, no exceptions. With the Mayor of London and several other cities introducing anti-idling

measures as a way to combat air pollution, this was an easy action point for us to implement.

Reaching Out

A specially designed landing page was set up on our website with some handy suggestions about improving air quality for Clean Air Day.

We aimed to present lots of complex material from academic resources in a concise and engaging way. Each and every one of us was active on social media, whether Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, encouraging friends and peers to get on board for Clean Air Day. With #CleanAirDay trending in the top 10 through-out the day, it was a positive experience to see what other companies and colleagues were up to as well as sharing tips and hints to improve the air.

We embraced the chance to reach out and speak up!

An Interactive Demo

A big part of the our core beliefs on clean air and a greener environment means practising what we preach. We feel passionately about the topic of clean air, especially since many have children and are well-aware of the dangers of toxic air pollution on little lungs.

Technical Director Prof. Roland Leigh held an interactive discussion on air pollution with neighbouring tenants at the Dock, an award-winning workplace in Leicester Pioneer Park. Talking about the importance of clean air and how our specially designed Zephyr® sensors give live and on demand readings of outdoor air quality around the office, this was well received and very timely with lots of questions asked.

Clean Air Day Celebrations

Newly appointed Marketing Manager Anika Bhamra attended the Clean Air Day celebratory event on behalf of EarthSense that evening. It was, a fantastic way to celebrate the fight for clean air and everyone who was involved in making the day such a huge success.

Following a drinks reception, there was a presentation summarising the achievements of the event this year, and attendees had the opportunity to network and plan things in preparation for next year.

What Next?

Clean Air Day was even bigger and better than last year, making a huge impact in national air quality and showing the public that clean air goals ARE achievable.

With a total of 900 million outreaches on social media, 1000 organisations taking part and 500 events being organised all over the country, we were delighted to be involved in such a necessary and uniting effort to breathe better.

We look forward to next year’s event with anticipation and will carry on highlighting the urgency of cleaning up our air.

At EarthSense we believe every day should be a clean air day and already have a range of exciting projects, partnerships and developments in the pipeline to achieve this ambitious goal.

Talk to us today to find out what you can do in your local community to help reduce air pollution and make every day a clean air day! | 0116 296 7460

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