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EarthSense’s MappAir® Air Pollution Model Meets European Air Quality Standards

EarthSense, the air quality expert, has today announced that its MappAir® air quality model meets the standards required by the EU’s air quality laws, Directive 2008/50/EC.

air quality model
EarthSense's National MappAir® Air Quality Model

Following continual assessment, it has been confirmed that EarthSense’s novel MappAir® air quality model complies with the data quality objectives required by Directive 2008/50/EC of European Parliament. Compliance with the directive means data from the model is suitable for assessment purposes by local and central governments for public policy decisions to improve air quality and minimise the health implications of pollution exposure.

Users of EarthSense’s MappAir® now have evidence and increased confidence that the modelled nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM2.5) data from its near real time and annual average models, which give hourly and yearly exposure data, is representative of the air quality in the region of interest.

Technical Director at EarthSense, Roland Leigh said: “Public policy decisions have a direct and significant impact on the everyday lives of people across the United Kingdom. Those parties forming and approving those policy decisions need utmost confidence in supporting data, which is why compliance with Directive 2008/50/EC is such an important step for the community.”

Directive 2008/50/EC, also known as the Ambient Air Quality Directive, was established by the European Union and sets a legal definition for uncertainty for modelled air quality data for key pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide NO2 and PM2.5. The required objective of uncertainty for hourly NO2 and particulate matter data is 50% and 30% for annual average NO2 data.

The assessment of MappAir® compared data from the National Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN), as operated by the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), against MappAir® modelled predictions. EarthSense’s precalculated MappAir® annual averages between 2016 – 2021 all comply with the objectives, and the near time hourly predictions consistently perform well below the uncertainty criteria required by Directive 2008/50/EC.

EarthSense's annual average calculations are carried out on a yearly basis, and it will continue to reassess the models following their release.

The MappAir® model uses advanced modelling techniques and a range of cloud-based data inputs to hyperlocal predictions of air quality concentrations in a range of time resolved formats. Local authorities and other organisations can now make use of its trusted, near real time and annual average MappAir® models for improving air quality, reducing exposure and education, without having to develop or carry out lengthy assessments of their own models.

Leigh continues: “To ensure policy decisions are having a positive impact on the public, local governments can use our MappAir® models to manage pollution by proactively responding to pollution episodes using its forecasting capabilities, and identify locations where pollution is improving or worsening and plan appropriate interventions.”

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